Privacy Policy


When we handle personal data, we must abide by a number of principles and respect certain rights that individuals have regarding their Personal Data. ‘Personal data’ means any information relating to a person. In our contact with you, we may collect data through our website, via email, an online portal or verbally. ‘Handling’ involves any operation where we collect, record, organise, alter, transmit or destroy personal data. 

These Guidelines set out how Coaching Impact Ltd, registered in England and Wales No: 6258053 uses and protects any information that you provide when engaging with our services or using our website. We are committed to protecting your privacy and we comply with the UK Data Protection laws and are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. (Registration No: ZA331784). 


We place high priority on safeguarding confidential information and processing personal data and take our responsibility for security of your data seriously. When we handle personal data, we abide by a number of principles and respect individual rights to comply with the EU GDPR. 

The 6 key Data Protection Principles are:

  1. Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency – we only use personal data in ways you would reasonably expect e.g. to process payments, contracts, to meet legal obligations, carry out our contract with you, and with your freely given consent.
  2. Purpose limitation – we only collect personal data for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes.
  3. Data minimisation – we ensure our use of personal data is adequate, relevant and necessary and keep the minimum amount of personal data to fulfil our purposes.
  4. Accuracy – we do our best to ensure data is accurate and up to date.
  5. Storage limitation – we do not keep data for longer than is necessary, reviewing periodically when and why we keep data, and securely deleting information no longer needed, in line with UK regulatory guidance e.g. tax records.
  6. Integrity and Confidentiality – we have taken every reasonable step to ensure that your personal data is held securely at all times and use security measures to protect our systems. We ensure that personal data is processed and held securely, using secure servers, password protected and encryption of sensitive documents. Please be aware that no internet or email transmission is ever fully secure or error free, and we ask you to take special care in deciding what personal data you send to us via email or disclose via the internet. 


Any personal data we collect from you or we generate as a result of contact with you, belongs to you. Under the UK data protection laws therefore you have the right to know if your data is being processed, why and for how long.

Your contact details will be removed at your request or withdraw your consent to us keeping and using your data (unless we have a legal requirement to retain or handle it). You have the right to ask to see any information we hold about you by submitting a Subject Access Request.

If you believe that any information we are holding about you is incorrect or incomplete, or you wish to exercise any of your rights in relation to personal data, please contact us at [email protected]


The data we collect about you is accessed only by authorised Coaching Impact employees for legitimate business purposes and when providing services as part of the contract. When we work with partners or contractors, they may have limited access to your personal data (usually only email/contact details) but only what they need to do their work with you.

An Associate, Coach or other partner contracted by Coaching Impact to provide services to you on our behalf is bound under the terms of their contract relating to confidentiality and privacy in the same way as Coaching Impact employees.
We have in place internal guidelines as to how long data should be retained.
This is a summary of our Data Retention Policy. Time limits for certain items are subject to legislation and we are happy to give more information on request. 


We will update our policy and amend or modify from time to time, as necessary. You can review this policy via our website. Your continued use of and access to Coaching Impact services, including our website, will constitute your acceptance of any changes and revisions to this policy. 


If you do wish to contact us, please do get in touch at [email protected]